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CorelDRAW is a graphics editor which creates CDR files while creating and editing vector images. CDR files are prone to corruption and damage, which leads to loss and inaccessibility of data files. For corrupted CorelDRAW file repair, CDR recovery tool can be used. This utility can recover multiple CorelDRAW CDR files in a single go.
CorelDRAW is a software program which is being used as a vector graphics editor. It is developed for editing two-dimensional graphical images such as logos, posters, etc. The supported file formats are CDR, CorelDraw Compressed – CDX, CorelDraw Template – CDT and Corel Presentation Exchange – CMX. The tool deals with the damaged or corrupted CorelDRAW .cdr file repair. CDR files are the default file format of CorelDRAW application. It is the extension for the vector image created when one is using CorelDRAW for graphical purposes. These files are being used to create and edit different types of documents such as web pages, web banners, logos, posters, etc. CDR file format is not being supported by various image editors. But the file can be exported to other file formats such as PDF, JPG, PNG, BMP, and AI. Some CDR files can be opened by Corel Paint Shop Pro and Adobe illustrator 9.
Some common issues related to CorelDRAW CDR files are listed below:
Some error messages related to CorelDRAW CDR files are listed below:
You can repair CDR Files error messages using CorelDRAW corrupt file recovery software
Step 1. Rename the corrupted
CDR file with ".zip "
Step 2. Open the renamed zip files
with WinRar or WinZip
since they are having a repair option
for zip files.
Step 3. Try to repair the file.
Step 4. Extract the file
riffdata.cdr from the content
folder of zip file and open this
file in CorelDRAW.
Step 1: Click on Start and then
on Run.
Step 2: In the dialogue box, type
%temp% and then
click OK.
Step 3: In the temporary folder
window, set the view option to Details.
Step 4: Sort the files according
to the time of modification using
Date modified button.
Step 5: Find the CorelDRAW CDR files
which are dated at the time of program
crash and it will be an exact copy
of the original CDR file.
When the user faces error reading CDR files which is suspected to be corrupted, do a search in the temporary folder for a file named xxx.cdr.tmp. Copy and paste the file and rename it. Open the renamed file.
If the solutions mentioned above does not work fine to repair corrupted CorelDraw File, then, it is suggested to take help of a reliable corrupted cdr file recovery software named as CDR Recovery to repair damaged CorelDRAW file.
Demo Limit
Demo version of CorelDRAW File Repair Software allows to preview the corrupted CDR Files & Export Corrupted CDR in CDR file format
System Requirements